HALLOWEEN COSTUME DIY - Baby & Toddler Ideas.
It’s the week before Halloween! We are all running around like crazy making sure our decorations look great, the carved pumpkins are placed perfectly on the porch, the candy is ready to go for the trick or treaters, oh Seabiscuits… What about the costumes!? If you are like me (the QUEEN of procrastination - no shame), you’ll need to come up with something quick and easy to throw on your kids before they run out the door.. I mean, Halloween is THIS WEEKEND! So here are some quick and easy DIY costumes that you can put together with almost everything you already have at home.

Mommy + Me Costume Idea: Mushroom + Snail
Nothing better than a mommy and me costume that is not only ADORABLE, but also keeps your baby safe and warm for a fun night out.
For Mom: You'll need your favorite dress/or fall outfit, your favorite ring sling (we love wild bird, Hope & Plum, Solly Baby and Teri Co. ) A red bonnet or beanie, and white paper/or foam paper. Cut out some circles from white paper, hot glue them to a beanie, and your outfit is complete! Talk about easy!
For baby: You'll need their favorite warm onesies, wire for antennas, Kraft paper roll, and a baby headband. Tuck your little one in your ring sling, and added your rolled us Kraft paper o create the snail shell. Add two crumpled antennas to a headband for added details for baby
Photo credit - @oursmithisshowing Sling - wildbird
Baby Costumes: Little Granny || Little Gramps
There is nothing more cute than an baby dressed like granny & gramps.
What you'll need..
Glue some cotton balls on a headband and pair with a knit bonnet or head scarf to hold in place. Add on a pair of granny or gramps glasses, and draw on little wrinkles with a eyebrow pencil for some added details and a precious photo!
Tip: Use you're PPT pacifier clip to loop your baby glasses onto so they can hang safely.
Photo Credit - @amberdenae shoes from @starryknightdesign

Toddler: Scuba Diver Costume
For toddler: Have a little one that loves all things water? This costume is perfect for future scuba divers.
What you need?
Scissors, Thick felt or craft foam, Modern Pacifier, Gaffers tape, Flexible plastic tubing OR rope wrapped with black electrical tape, A sliver water bottle OR a large soda bottle + silver paint, Black leggings and a long-sleeve black shirt, Kids swim goggles OR a children’s mask and snorkel set(optional) 4-6 foam hair rollers to make a weight belt, (optional) Glue gun and glue cartridge, (optional) Straps of black elastic.
Tip: Don't forget your modern pacifiers to pair perfectly with this costume.
Photo Credit: Pinterest
No matter the costume, just have fun and create memories you can share for years to come.
Happy Halloween PPT team!